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Peloquin's Lucky Llamappaloosa Born 01/13/2010 ILR #: 278840 Double "appy" (merle) parents AND lineage. Well behaved guy: Performance trained too! SOLD! HF Terry x RDR Stroke of Luck |
PELOQUIN'S FUDGE RIPPLE DOB: 0309/11 ILR#: 281845 SURI male w/DOUBLE APPY PARENTS & outcrossed appy lineage SOLD! Congratulations, Linda Brazelton! |
PELOQUIN'S CREME BRULEE DOB: 12/16/12 ILR#: 284789 KLR U ROCK x PELOQUIN'S RAZZMATAZZ PIZZAZZ SHOW QUALITY, PERFORMANCE TRAINED dilute Appaloosa female w/DOUBLE APPY PARENTS & outcrossed suri lineage. SOLD! Congratulations to Terri Crutchfield of TLC Therapy Hooves, Inc.! |
PELOQUIN'S BLESSED MIRACLE ILR #: 282744; DOB = 09/26/11 MIRACLE is a sweet loud appaloosa merle from DOUBLE APPALOOSA /MERLE PARENTS and OUTCROSSED SURI bloodlines from KLR U ROCK, GC'S GOLD STRIKE and TOMOLLAS PROSPECTOR lineage. SOLD! Congratulations to Amy Lowery! |
HRR BOLIVIAN SIENNA, ILR #: 275545 Large, full Bolivian daughter of Bolivian Taylor Made with Canadian lineage. Awards Received GRAND CHAMPION, WOLI Invitational, Yellow, 2009 RESERVE CHAMPION, WOLI International, Blue, 2009 RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION, Jingle Bells Extravaganza, Green, 2009 CHAMPION, Composite Suri Coat Fleece, Camelid Extravaganza Fall Show, 2009 1ST PLACE, Suri Females, 5 - 15 months, LFA Futurity Show SOLD FULL BOLIVIAN SURI |
TICCA'S PUTTIN ON THE RITZ Ritz is a correct suri appaloosa male with loads of presence. He is an outcrossed suri male of Bolivian heritage. SOLD! |
PELOQUIN'S PAINTED ELEGANCE DOB: 02/20/12 ILR: 283564 TILLMAN'S GREASE BALL x CLASSICALLY BEAUTIFUL WONDERGIRL This feminine paint appaloosa female with DOUBLE APPALOOSA PARENTS and LINEAGE should have appaloosa or paint appaloosa offspring for you. She has fine silky suri fiber. SOLD! |
PELOQUIN'S U ROCKIN' SHOW STOPPIN'! ILR #: 285103; DOB: 02/21/13 KLR U ROCK x Classically Beautiful Wondergirl Handsome REVERSE APPALOOSA male w/nice fiber, AWESOME disposition! FOLKS...He is fully Obstacle, Pack & Performance trained. He has placed highly in the show ring as well SOLD! |
PELOQUIN'S APPY U ROCKETTE DOB: 11/15/13 ILR#: 284700 KLR U ROCK x GHLC KUMBAYA Loud appaloosa silky female w/ DOUBLE APPALOOSA parenting & lineage! PERFORMANCE & PACK TRAINED! Sold! Congratulations to Ellen Tina Clark of Silver Moon Alpacas on her purchase of this fine female! |
KLR U ROCK ILR #: 274640; DOB: 04/08/08 GC'S GOLD STRIKE x KLR FIESTA This COLORFUL, TOTALLY OUTCROSSED SURI APPALOOSA male has incredible lineage. U ROCK is docile, AWESOME herd sire who is also totally performance trained in Pack, Obstacle and PR! His offspring are suri appaloosas and appaloosas. U Rock lends his large chest and bone as well as his squareness to his offsprinG What a special male! Sold! CONGRATULATIONS TO CHARLA D. YOUNG of KY! |
PELOQUIN'S JAZZED UP RITZY AP! ILR #: 285191; DOB: 03/08/2013 Soft fiber, sweet personality, performance trained(Pack, Obstacle & PR) SHOW QUALITY male....future HERD SIRE with DOUBLE APPALOOSA PARENTING & LINEAGE! SOLD! |
PELOQUIN'S ALL FIRED UP! DOB: 04/10/16, ILR: 289267 CLASSICALLY BEAUTIFUL WONDERGIRL x HF EDITION'S NICHOLAS Sweet paint appaloosa for sale: ready to go to a new farm after weaning (10/10/16) SOLD - Congratulations to Jon Sheridan! |
CLASSICALLY BEAUTIFUL WONDERGIRL DOB: 06/10/2004; ILR #: 257417 Loud appaloosa female bred to OREO, our suri appaloosa Halter CHAMPION. The last time we did this breeding, she delivered a suri appaloosa female. Wondergirl is a wonderful milker and mother. She has produced multiple appaloosa offspring for us. We have kept some and sold some. Her grand son is a heavy wooled silky appaloosa Halter Champion. We anticipate a nice appaloosa cria. You have the opportunity to take her home before her delivery and raise the cria on your farm. Wow! SOLD! Congratulations to Bob King! |
PELOQUIN'S CLASSY OREO AP! DOB: 04/04/2014; ILR #: 286660 This "CLASSY" SURI APPALOOSA female has DOUBLE APPALOOSA PARENTING & LINEAGE! WOW! How unusual is THAT, especially in a female offered for sale! She WILL bring appaloosa/merle offspring! Did I mention that CLASSY has TOTALLY OUTCROSSED SURI LINEAGE from GC'S GOLD STRIKE(who I understand has disappeared) and TOMOLLAS PROSPECTOR? Other outstanding notable llamas in her lineage include SCR POWERSTRIKE and CONCEPTION, one of the most famous reverse appaloosas of all time! Simply AWESOME lineage! Not to mention her sire, PELOQUIN'S U ROCK SPOTTED OREO!, who is a FUTURITY & HALTER CHAMPION! CLASSY also has soft suri fiber AND appaloosa coloring. She just delivered a silky appaloosa female cria on 11/08/16 when bred to a dilute appaloosa (phenotypic white) HALTER & PERFORMANCE CHAMPION, HF EDITION'S NICHOLAS. CLASSY is sold as a 2-in-1 package bred to an APPALOOSA HALTER CHAMPION, RCF MOONDANCE. Due date for new cria: 03/07/2018. SOLD - Congratulations to Kelly Agrue! |
RCF ROMEO PPR THUNDER THIEF x ALCL SAHIYA DOB: 03/06/13 ILR #: 286020 RCF ROMEO is a very correct, black suri male with a loud appaloosa Dam & grand sire. His sire, PPR Thunder Thief is the 2011 NAILE ALSA Suri Grand Champion Male and has sired 100% SURI offspring EVEN when bred to non suri females. Romeo's dam, ALCL Sahiya, is an appaloosa female who consistently produces fine offspring. Romeo has already won a DOUBLE Grand Championship & a Reserve Championship in Suri Halter Divisions. Romeo's first offspring is a super correct, large, loud suri appaloosa female....just what I was breeding for! SOLD! - CONGRATULATIONS to Vicky Southwick! Headed for Pet Partner Certification & PR work! |
HF TERRY - DOB: 09/03/04 HF TERRY is our Chilean appaloosa herd sire. He is perhaps the most decorated llama in the US! He earned the top 3-4 awards for the 2008, 2012, 2013 & 2014 SSLA (Southern States Llama Association) SWEEPSTAKES: (1) The 2008, 2012, 2013 & 2014 SSLA SWEEPSTAKES AWARDS in Halter. (2) The 2008 SSLA SWEEPSTAKES AWARD for the most points earned in ADVANCED PERFORMANCE and the 2012 (Grand), 2013 & 2014 (Grand) SSLA SWEEPSTAKES AWARDS in MASTERS'S PERFORMANCE(3) The 2008 , 2012, 2013 & 2014 SSLA SWEEPSTAKES VERSATILITY AWARDS for the most points earned in both Halter and Performance PLUS (4)the 2012 & 2013 SSLA SWEEPSTAKES AWARDS for ADULT SHOWMANSHIP! AWESOME, Terry! Terry has won 35 Grand Championships, 46 Reserve Grand Championships, 9 Versatility Grand Championships, 10 SSLA Advanced Performance Trophies plus the 2012 & 2013 ILR UAP TOP TEN award in Halter Adult Male. He is BOTH an ALSA & an ILR Halter & Performance Grand Champion with ROM's in Halter, Obstacle, Pack and Public Relations. He is 1 of only about 50 llamas in the nation to have earned the title of ALSA GRAND CHAMPION and is now vying for the ALSA ELITE CHAMPION (to be 1 of 3 - 9 llamas in the US who have won this award). He is now blind in his Right eye as a result of fighting with my other males. I have made the DIFFICULT decision to sell him to a good home who understands his need to be comfortable in either his own pasture running next to other llamas OR in a pasture with female llamas. Understand that he is still a proven breeder having produced a male offspring 4 months ago...that I would like to keep. Terry will still do anything I ask of him,is an excellent PR llama, gentle as they come! SOLD - Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Nicaise of Kiln, MS on this AWESOME purchase! |
PELOQUIN'S PEARL E. WHITES Peloquin's U Rock Spotted Oreo x Peloquin's Jazzy Jewel DOB: 05/12/17; ILR #: 290534 This young lady is stretchy and has DOUBLE APPALOOSA/MERLE parents and lineage so she should eventually drop spotted appaloosa offspring. PEARL E. WHITES is friendly, halter trained & is fully performance trained in Obstacle, Pack and Public Relations. SOLD - Congratulations to Karin Weisburg of S. Florida |
PELOQUIN'S FUDGE RIPPLE DOB: 03/09/11; ILR #: 281845 Ripple is now a HERD SIRE who drops VERY COLORFUL tricolor paint and appaloosa offspring! Ripple is a multicolored male with appaloosa PARENTING AND LINEAGE....VERY, VERY UNUSUAL! This boy is WELL CONFORMED with good breadth of chest, straight legs and topline, nice fiber, etc. RIPPLE has OUTCROSSED suri bloodlines (Tomollas Prospector) with NO KANTU, KENO OR ANY OF THE MOST COMMON SURI BLOODLINES. You can breed him to any of your suri females! SOLD - Congratulations to John McDonald! |
SPOTACULAR! GNLC CASPIAN x ALCL SAHIYA DOB: 11/22/16; ILR #: 290007 At 5 months of age, SPOTACULAR!, our cream and black spotted SURI APPALOOSA male, had already won a SURI FUTURITY and 6 RESERVE CHAMPIONSHIPS in his Suri Halter Division. WOW! This is a POWERFUL fellow! SPOTACULAR! is the son of a BEST OF SHOW male, GNLC CASPIAN. SPOTACULAR! is now fully PERFORMANCE TRAINED.Sold! Congratulations to Candice and Scott Miller! |
Our CRIAS are selling before they are weaned or advertised for sale. LOTS of crias anticipated as we are a breeding farm specializing in correct and appaloosa llamas and in Performance Training! YAY!)...ALL with plans to be trained in halter, Obstacle and Public Relations by weaning age. PLUS the desensitization from birth = some VERY FINE LLAMAS we will have to offer! E-mail Dorthe Peloquin at: dorthepeloquin@comcast.net if you have an interest in these fine animals. The waiting list HAS BEGUN even before these llamas are born! PM me on Facebook Page under Dorthe Rauholt Peloquin if looking for llamas. We frequently have unadvertised llamas that are members of our FOUNDATION HERD that we could possibly part with. |
PELOQUIN'S MR. JINGLES AP! DOB: 11/30/2018; ILR #: 292223 This gorgeous SURI APPALOOSA male weighed in at 30 lbs. at birth! Soo....he should grow to good size with his stretchy, large appaloosa Dam and good sized, suri appaloosa sire to take after. YES! He is appaloosa! His spots are a very light grey tan color...on his legs, ears, tail and body...so they hardly show up on his creme colored suri fleece. This young man is already HALTER and PERFORMANCE trained. He has already been desensitized head to toe to human touch...yes...at 7 days of age. We start EARLY!At 5 wks. of age, he is continuing his Obstacle, Public Relations, costume and light pack training. When he is 6 months of age (on 5/30/2018),he will be ready to travel to a new home. These trained young llamas are hot right now and currently selling by weaning time or to folks already on my waiting list for what he has to offer. Please e-mail me if you have an interest in owning this nice male with a wonderful disposition. $1750 - SALE PENDING |
FOR SALE: PELOQUIN'S MIDNIGHT SPECIAL!, DOB: 04/26/19, ILR: PENDING. Sire: PELOQUIN'S FUDGE RIPPLE, ILR #: 281845 ; Dam: GRAFFITI'S SWEET VALENTINE, ILR #: 286491 This black boy just happened to take after a grand sire that was a black, almost reverse appy guy so our cria does not display the appaloosa coloring, but probably has heavy chances of passing appaloosa coloring to his offspring. These young. desensitized and trained crias are sold quickly. SOLD! |
TIERRA'S PURE LEGEND, now Available to go to a new home. DOB: 10/15/14, Gelded ALPACA Male, ARI:32547993, BVD negative on 3/31/15. LEGEND is Show Quality and has an ALSA number already. LEGEND has a pleasant disposition, catches and halters easily. SOLD |